Our Services

  • Review medical cases for merit
  • Unravel the pertinent issues, expose the facts, and identify the problems
  • Correlate and compare deviations from the Standard of Care causing and contributing to the allegations
  • Medical/Nursing research to support or defend the allegations
  • Prepare summaries of medical events, narratives, and timelines using CaseMap software
  • Medical bill analysis
  • Identify and locate expert witnesses
  • Assist with depositions and trial preparations
  • Summarize depositions using NoteMap software
  • Provide fact and expert witness testimony where qualified
  • Witness and report on Independent Medical Exams


Precise Legal Nurse Consulting
Services at a Glance
  • Expert and fact witness testimony
  • Independant Medical Exams witness and report
  • Deposition Summary using Note Map software
  • Medical Bill Analysis


AALNC Adopts Position Statement
Regarding Expert Nursing Testimony

The American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC) has published an official position statement regarding expert testimony in medical malpractice cases. Entitled Providing Expert Nursing Testimony, AALNC maintains that nurses possess specialized knowledge that physicians and other allied health care practitioners do not have unless they have been trained and have practices as a registered nurse. Therefore, only nurses should provide expert testimony related to nursing standards of care.

Click HERE for more information.





Precise Legal Nurse Consulting or PLNC, Legal Nurse / Nursing,
bringing you Legal Consulting, Legal Review, Precise Legal Consultation on
Nursing and Health Issues, Based in St. Louis, Missouri, MO, Midwest

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