About Betty

Betty Pederson is a clinically active Registered Nurse with both hospital and Long-Term Care experience. She earned her Certification in Gerontology in 1998; Missouri licensed Nursing Home Administrator since 2001 and a graduate of St. Louis Community College Legal Nurse Consulting Certificate Program.

As the President of Precise Legal Nurse Consulting, Betty brings her critical thinking skills, inquisitive nature, and experience to each case. Attending continuing education seminars is a passion that reflects in her work product. She uses analytical and problem-solving expertise to unlock the hidden details and get to the heart of each case.


Betty's Credentials at a Glance
  • Legal Nurse Consultant (Certificate program graduate)
  • Certified in Gerontology since 1998
  • Licensed Nursing Home Administrator in Missouri since 2001
  • Registered Nurse since 1993



Precise Legal Nurse Consulting or PLNC, Legal Nurse / Nursing,
bringing you Legal Consulting, Legal Review, Precise Legal Consultation on
Nursing and Health Issues, Based in St. Louis, Missouri, MO, Midwest

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